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David Fay

For as long as he can remember, David Fay has been drawn to creativity and the magic of art. He is particularly fascinated by how the simplest things – an image, an object, a sound -- can unlock a sort of time capsule in our minds that transports the spirit to a world that was, may have been, or might yet be -- If we just remember to imagine.

Fay aspires to create art that brings people back to a happy, playful moment in their lives. Every piece of his work is assembled with love and a deep desire to invite people to explore his world of imagination and memory. Pop culture, films, toys, all the things we have held onto or escaped into all our lives are things Fay incorporates into his work. The result can be magical, like a memory you can hold in your hand, like nostalgia you can touch.

Fay’s hope is that in his work, the viewer might find a key to unlocking that almost forgotten part of himself or herself—an inner child or the part that laughs out loud from sheer joy. He invites his viewers to travel with him to that happy place, that happy time, when we once dared to imagine…and remember.


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